Monday, 16 December 2019

Can beauty be defined?

answers1: in my opinion beauty is the art of life and surrounding of life.
answers2: The only way to really define beauty is by thinking of it as
an absence of ugliness!!! There are hundreds of ways to define beauty
but in the end, it truly is in the eye of the beholder. There are
simply too many variables to absolutely define it.
answers3: Beauty can't really be defined if you ask me... <br>
it has to do with: <br>
- Time (what's hot now and what's soo '70? :P ) <br>
- Place +Culture( look to the western beauty ideals, asian beauty
ideals and African or Arabic beauty ideals) <br>
- Personal opinion (what does she like, what do I like,, you know ;D ) <br>
There is no real definition of beauty because it's too complex to
define it and beauty and fashion changes everyday!! <br>
Hope I helped! <br>

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