Saturday, 5 October 2019

How often does philosophy come around again... full circle?

answers1: You mean, "What goes around, comes around", lol ...I just
know that there is some good Philosophy and some bad stuff out there.
The bible helps you know which is which. :)
answers2: How often does philosophy come around again... full circle? <br>
Is all philosophy eventually recycled and is that somehow scary for
those who claim to know what philosophy is? <br>
~~~ You obviously don't. <br>
Here's a hint, if you actually care; <br>
Philosophy is 'original critical thought'; <br>
Critical Thinking <br>
<a href="http://www.skepdic.com/ticriticalthinking.html"
Bertrand Russell on Critical Thinking <br>
<a href="http://www.bu.edu/wcp/Papers/Educ/EducHare.htm"
As opposed to the 'scholastic'; <br>
"..."philosophologists", a term coined by Robert Pirsig ("Zen and the
Art of Motorcycle Maintenance", "Lila") to denote people who study
other people's philosophy but cannot do philosophy themselves. He also
says that most people who consider themselves philosophers are
actually philosophologists. The difference between a philosopher and a
philosophologist is like the difference between an art and aesthetics;
one does and the other studies what the other does and theorizes about
answers3: i'd say that people are the same no matter how aged or how
wise. I idea of phisosophy is as same as pretending to be enlighted
and accepting the current state of life without doing anything about
it, so obviously any "wise" person will tackle the subject of society
and feed us the same bullocks about peace and love. it's complicated
stuff, the truth but who are we to be philosophical? <br>
A species evolved from an animal no matter how smart or mighty, still
remains an animal.
answers4: more often than you know.... <br>
P is right, this isn't original and you copy/pasted the entire question.
answers5: Its always been around, although some people have great
eloquence and try to justify their crap and people buy into it, on the
other hand though there have been many great philosophers.
answers6: Some 2,500 years ago Heraclitus developed the notion of
"flux," and in the past 200 years or so that idea has been regifted to
mankind as "process." <br>
You might appreciate Ben-Ami Scharfstein's "The Philosophers: Their
Lives and the Nature of Their Thought," "Nihilism" by Eugene Rose, and
"A Philosophy of Universality" by Omraam Aivanhov.
answers7: No.
answers8: I think philosophy is an exploration of our intellectual and
emotional landscape - different people have gone off into the woods to
greater or lesser distances and come back to report what they found.
I think we are gradually assembling a map of the place. Some ideas
seem to want to apply to more than their particular application, imo,
but in general I think all new philosophical discoveries or
explorations bring more data to the table. I don't think
philosophical ideas go in and out of fashion, rather, once they are
proposed they remain in our thinking and in the literature, all
gradually accumulating into some comprehensive whole, kind of like our
understanding of physics.
answers9: How your thinking is wrong. My life of philosophy was a
wonderful life & I still enjoy it until I pass. Nothing recycled
or full circle in living a life of any type of philosophy. Mike
answers10: No. Thats the thing about philosophy, it's ORIGINAL critical thought.

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