Tuesday, 29 October 2019

What does Humanities & Interdisciplinary mean?

answers1: I have no idea about this
answers2: All these depend on the course you are taking since even
within the humanities these terms are debated and are major specific.
In broad strokes I would say that interdisciplinary connections are
those threads that are common among more than one discipline, eg. the
importance of statistical analysis. cultural cross currents could be
anything really, depending on the course of thought. It could be the
transference of culture from one place to another, the transfer of
news even... as for transhitorical connections, I would deem it
something to do with how events or ideas relate through periods of
time. Good luck, but next time specify the course...It would help
alot! P.S. Have you tried a google search of these terms, or the
answers3: thanks everyone for all the answers
answers4: Social Studies and English
answers5: Originally, "humanities" meant fields of study that dealt
with human beings as opposed to theological studies. Nowadays it is
usually understood to include the arts and social sciences. <br>
"Interdisciplinary" means methods of research and study that span two
or more academic "disciplines" or subjects. For example the history of
science could be thought of as an interdisciplinary field because it
requires knowledge and investigation of both history and science.

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