Wednesday, 20 November 2019

do you prefer makeup?

answers1: my opinion is thAT if the guy really loves u it wouldnt
matter......and there such thing as naturaL BEAUTY
answers2: depends how good they look without it
answers3: like the other girls have said they sat without. but once
they see us in hair rollers our green mask on in our house robe and
without makeup they would run away away like a cat does when you step
on his tail. but we would say the same thing if they wore it. lol :D
lol <br>
can you answer this: <br>
: without b/c it is your natrual look when you put make up on
its not you no more.so no make up is good.i would know because i asked
my brothers
answers5: A lot of guys will say they prefer without makeup but
really...if they saw us all without a stitch of makeup on they'd be
running in the opposite direction. <br>
and I wouldn't blame them. <br>
answers6: I'm not a guy, but I am a girl. And based on my experience
I've noticed most guys (if not all) much rather prefer a girl who
looks natural and not made-up or fake like a Barbie doll. It's a
disappointment if they find out the hottie from last night is
unrecognizable without makeup the day after. <br>
Of course most guys would prefer a girl to look like their natural
self, but they also don't want a girl who cares absolutely nothing
about her looks. My suggestion is to go out and look like yourself.
And never hide your beauty in 10 lbs of makeup in attempt to impress a
guy, thinking that's what they like. ;)

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