Saturday, 16 November 2019

Is straight hair better than wavy an puffy hair.?

answers1: No hair type is "better" than other. Some simply just seem
to look different in different people. I have naturally wavy hair and
I like how it looks wavy more than how I look when its straight. So
just wear it how YOU like it.
answers2: depends on the frizz, but i think straight is really pretty
down and wavy is good for like half up half down.
answers3: Hey! <br>
All diffrent hair types have their ups and downs :) for
straight hair there isn't much you can do with it cuz you do get sick
of it being strait and all. Puffy hair i just dont really like, no
offense. I like wavy hair, not because I have it, because its
effortless and you can straiten it instead of put in a bunch of
hairspray in it ;) <br>
Hope this helped, and good luck!
answers4: I'll second the other user's answer, no hair type is better
than the other. It all depends on your face type. Ask your hair
dresser what she reccomends for you. Personally, I love both wavy and
straight hair! It looks great on different people. :)
answers5: hard step. research in search engines like google. that will
might help!
answers6: Wavy and curly hair in my opinion is better because if we
curl hair hair then it will stay better than someone with straight
hair. Wavy and curly hair is also prettier.
answers7: If she would permit you get a chemical straightening carried
out that would desire to be your ultimate guess....yet some mothers
wont enable that, so which you would be able to desire to get some
straightening lotion. There are all kinds ot the food market and drug
shops. rub that during to moist hair, then brush your hair mutually as
blowdrying. After that this is advisable to function some shine
serum...Biosilk Silk scientific care is mind-blowing, yet any will do.
Then brush your hair some extra. good luck!
answers8: Personally i think wavy hair looks better. It has a kind of
effortlessly pretty look to it (:
answers9: it all depends how it looks on u. like i like hair with a
little wavy or curl. thts my opinion

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