Brock Hladik: "When given a chance, do the best that you can"Because I'm sure it's not gonna happen again!
Wally Gower: I want to be the Greatest Version of the Grandest Vision I had about my self and show that through my example. .
Lorine Helwick: I swear, by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another, nor ask another to live for mine.
Delora Struzzi: Eleven is louder than Ten
Lewis Ranft: dont worry about your problems.. let your problems worry about you..
Wilfredo Muldoon: You'll die someday.
Bell Pasco: Don't start none, won't be none.
Lauri Ohl: what goes around comes around.
Rona Espalin: Live your life however you choose to live it, so long as you don't interfere with someone else's ability to do the same.
Pamela Meno: I live everyday like it was my last day on earth. Allot of weeping and begging the gods for mercy.
Micah Schwarcz: Hey Ty. One of the best personal philosoph! ies I have heard was from a friend of mine in college (a few decades ago!). Tom was fond of saying: "Moderation in all things ... including moderation". He also lived by this philosophy (most of the time)!
Marvel Mcaulay: Everyday is exactly the same. There is no meaning to life. SMILE FRIENDS
Sol Allphin: Mine comes from the Wizard of Oz, when the good fairy tells Dorothy she always had the power to go home. To me it means, I carry the answers to all my dilemmas and problems within me, and I have always had to power to meet them. It took me 50 years to get there, though.
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