Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Which one is more important in paper ; corresponding author or first author?

answers1:Go to Microsoft Word , Click Review and find Word Count (btw
, im using Microsoft Word 07 so im not sure abt the other version) and
i got 817words , but im not sure abt the names , either they counted
it as one or two ? so yeah
answers2:The first named is often termed the senior author. The
corresponding author has the "privilege" of being corresponded with.
In reality, there's no particular extra god-like awe involved in being
either listed first -some author lists are simply alphabetical- or in
being the one dumped with the task of answering letters.Having been
listed as an author in any role whatsoever makes somebody in principle
jointly responsible for the finished paper even, as can occasionally
happen, they knew little about the work until after it was published.
(I know of a case like that in mammal paleontology. The junior author
was furious. And you can tell that from the demolition job he
subsequently performed on the paper he was listed as having authored.
He found "his" earlier work incompetent!) What would be odd is a
student, who happens to have co-authored a paper, turning out not to
know much about its content!...Show more
answers3:It really depends on local conventions but where I work the
first author contributes the greater portion & usually writes the
abstract & the discussion while coauthors may write up their own
methods and materials sections. I'm a senior tech so I write up the
methods & materials for papers when I do the bench work. Last author
often is the PI or dept head supervising the project while the first
author is usually the corresponding author.Author

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