answers 0:Why? Which is worse noise or actual pain?Worst part?What do you think about the shots? Which is worse shots or drill?I'm going Tuesday and I'm scared. I HATE shots! BQ- if you have one? What's your worst dental experience? Mine was when he Accidently hit a nerve in my front tooth. OW!...Show moreanswers 1:Very !!!It usually hurtsbothhate themI'll pray for youwhen he went crazy tightening my braces. It was along time ago but I still remember it....answers 2:Yes. Actual pain.When they get that big spiked thing that whirrs around and cleans the area between my teeth and gum. I don't know about you but to me, it hurts like HELL.I hate them.Drill.BQ: I have gotten four ADULT teeth removed in my life, two each time. It was absolutely nightmarish....answers 3:No.THe only thing I fear is the costs after dental insu! rance ðanswers 4:No.answers 5:I'm not afraid of them but I don't like getting my cavities fixed.I had a bad experience when I had this old man fixing my cavity and he was really awkward.. and his hand was all shaking while he was giving me a shot.AHHHHH....answers 6:If so, what are they?If not, why not?answers 7:Oh yesh, indeed. I am heading out to the Pet Store and plan to buy a whole bunch of stuff for the mice and cats. It is my twice a month trip to the Pet Store and it is just like going to an amusement park or the zoo. They have all sorts of animals to see and new things to purchase.answers 8:I don't hate the dentist, but I HATEEEE the noises and the taste of all the junk they put in your mouth. *shutters*help me out? -video-;_ylt=Au8nL......answers 9:Snickers... Twinkies are both gross and kinda perverted XDanswers 10:I agree. Kids arnt for me either. They are bank account draining, social life sucking, body fattening lit! tle monsters. Kids just don't fit into what i have planned for! life. The planet is actually over populated right nowanswers 11:I love me dentist, and he doesn't give me shots, he puts a cream so I don't feel any pain.answers 12:And why do most people throw their lives away staying at a crappy job and raising kids? Like are there not enough people on the planet like why does everyone need to have kids? That's just baggage that'll just weigh you down.answers 13:Nah, I'm not afraid of the dentist. I mean, they're there to help. I think the actual noise is worse than the pain because it makes you anticipate the pain that is to come. Yikes! The worst part to me is the awkwardness of them asking questions while their hands are in your mouth. Do they expect you to be understandable? And I think the shots are worse because when they inject your cheek, it feels like it's gonna go right through. :S My worst dental experience would have to be when I got a root canal, and the dentist left a piece of drill bit down in my gums. I didn't know about! it til it got infected and started bleeding a few weeks later. I had to have surgery to have it was a horrible experience. Also, I know how you feel about nerves in your teeth, because I just chipped a tooth the other day, and I believe there is an exposed nerve due to the fact that it is extremely painful right now, and sensitive to just about anything I do. (Trying to hurry and get into a dentist to get it resolved asap.) Well, I hope my scary dental experience doesn't upset ya too bad. Just know that their job is to help you and make your smile pretty and healthy. Good luck with your appt. :)...answers 14:NBA All-Star Weekend, baby.I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!
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