Monday, 22 June 2020

Piaget's conservation task?

Gaynell Pizzaro: yes, but a child must have an understanding of conservation before it complete a conservation task, so to say a child can complete a conservation task implies understanding of conservation its self.

Alexis Reyer: Preoperational stage. But not till very late in it. Preoperational goes from age 2-7. Children won't be able to understand and thereby complete a conservation task until almost age seven. And of course in any stage beyond, the child would be able to complete the task. I.e. Concrete Operational and Formal Operational.

Anton Waln: IDK

Carmina Stickney: preoperational. it's not sensorimotor and not quite yet concrete operational.and to clarify, conservation isn't really a task, it's an understanding. ;)

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