Tuesday, 14 July 2020

Is eating something chicken flavored still vegetarian?

Joey Mekeel: Yoghurt is vegetarian. As for chicken-flavoured goodies, there are tofurkey slices and such.

Victor Macallister: If the product is chicken flavored, AND you do not see "chicken" anywhere in the ingredient list, then the difference is between natural and artificial flavors.Natural flavors = Not VegetarianArtificial flavors = VegetarianYogurt is lacto-vegetarian as long as it does not have gelatin or mono and diglycerides in it....Show more

Antwan Schrum: No.Eat MeatMEATBEEFCHICKENMMMMFISHYou damn Vegans were supposed to eat meat.Its a man-eat-meat world...Show more

Gerardo Greist: most likely not. you can read the label and it should give some hint as to how it's flavored.

Kalyn Proietto: don't listen to that guy. Eating something flavored with meat usually includes an actual part of the animal. So no, meat flavoring is NOT vegetarian. If you are curious, read the lables, it will tell you. Yogurt it vegetarian, but not vegan.

Rub! y Martis: Most meat flavored items do contain meat fat. Many yogurts contain gelatin which is also a product from a dead animal.FYI, the poster above named nemo is not a vegetarian if she eats items with chicken fat and fish.

Pamela Meno: A lot of flavourings are artificial. you have to be guided by the ingredient list and labelling to be sure, but many meat flavoured chips etc are veggie.and some seemingly veggie oens are not, cheese and onion for example may not be veggie.Go by the label, not guessworkIgnore the nemo " i'm a fishy vegetarian" answer. There is no such thing as a fish-eating vegetarian. See the multitude of other posts on this subject every week by vegetarians who wish all these wanabees would be honest with themselves and stop referring to the word vegetarian.....Show more

Tomi Vauters: Depends. If it's "natural chicken flavor", it's probably not vegetarian. But they make a broth called "no chicken" and it is vegetarian... so it just depends! . Most likely though, the flavor is from chicken broth or chi! cken fat, so would not be considered vegetarian.Yogurt CAN be vegetarian. Gelatin is the only thing that make it non-vegetarian... and a LOT of the bigger brands contain yogurt. I just realized this and am still trying to find a GOOD non-gelatine yogurt. Horizon, Organics, & Brown Cow are some of the brands that use pectin instead. Horizon has a thick texture... but the rest are pretty runny. Yoplait, Dannon & Tillamook all use gelatin (which is made from boiling bones, skin & tendons, etc)....Show more

Janita Tetlow: it depends on if the flavoring is made from meat or not. yogurt is not techically vegiterian because it's dairy.

Susan Rambo: I'm vegetarian, but I'm not too picky. By that I mean I eat chicken flavoured chips and chicken salt, etc ..I have just recently started eating seafood.

Donald Caravalho: also is yogurt vegetarian?

Lynn Mctier: If the flavoring is from chicken or beef stock, for example, then it's meat derived and therefore ! not vegetarian, at least in terms of food labeling regulations. If it's meat flavor but not actually derived from meat? Well, that's scary.Yogurt- not technically vegetarian, can't be labeled vegetarian, but many vegetarians do eat dairy, since it's not animal meat, it's just an animal product. Same with eggs- not a dead chicken, some vegetarians eat them. Some vegetarians I know even eat fish and shellfish, it's just red meat and poultry that they eliminate from their diet....Show more

Stan Conley: meat is meat veggies and fruit not meat.

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