Wednesday, 18 March 2020

does your bank account count as credit?

Dexter Gold: Yes it does because alot of financial places will check on wether or not you have any bounces or negative amounts that were reported by your bank. That is why some people cannot get bank accounts after messing up at a bank or two

Jacinta Moitoso: In a sense, but it isn't significant as far as credit goes. Paying on a car, home, or credit card is a good opportunity to boost credit. Having no credit can hurt you as well. You can either have bad credit or "new" credit, or no credit at all. Get a gas credit card and pay it off every month. I think that's a good way to start establishing credit.

Angelyn Ducas: It can hurt your credit if you're not responsible with it, but no, it won't build your credit.You need to get a credit card or a loan of some type for that to happen.

Bibi Tyron: No it doesn't at all. Second credit bureaus cannot sell bank account information to merchants. Bank accounts are not credit information.

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