Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Poll for guys Girls and makeup? ?

Elbert Donatelli: Im a girl, i wear make up from time to time depending on where im going or the event. If i feel like im wearing waaay to much makeup i think everyone else will see it as well. So a little bit is the way to go, but its all depending on the person. Because some people just like applying makeup not always a confidence thing. I agree guys like none to little makeup. But if you can make it look natural and healthy i think thats good

Letitia Bigelow: If she is natural pretty than she doesn`t not any makeup, but a little is ok, too much is simply too much

Kellie Waycott: My opinion, who are looking beautiful they don't need makeup,when looking bad that time only they need makeup.

Johnnie Pummill: I'm not a guy, but i am pretty sure they like a little makeup. Over doing it is the problem. If a guy can smell it on you, it's too much.

Rocio Karvis: whatever makes her feel/look pretty

Jude Kennelly: no makeup ---- she knows she is bea! utiful and is confident enough to not worry what others may think

Kenneth Thuesen: Makeup that covers the skin almost never looks better than bare skin, even if that skin has imperfections.The truth of the matter is that we don't like makeup very much. Using a bit to accentuate natural features, like eyes, can be really nice, but that's pretty much it. Girls who wear loads of makeup may get a lot of attention from guys, but it's not good attention. The makeup makes them look easy, and those guys are just trying to get lucky. It's like a signal of low confidence, and there are plenty of guys who will try to capitalize on that. Girls who don't cover their skin in makeup pretty much always look better....Show more

Azalee Ahrendes: It depends on the day. Most days I'll do everything! Bronzer, foundation, blush, eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara! Sometime I just do blush and one color eyeshadow, mascara!

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