Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Renting a double breast pump from hospital?

Wally Gower: I used theres at the hospital. 17 days I had my baby and he was 2 weeks early. The nurse told me that I could rent too, cause yeah they work awesome. So she gave me the places to rent. BUT we went and you dont get to rent the kind that you used in the hospital . You get cheaper versions, so I went out and bought a 1st response breast pump and it works awesome for me.

Ruby Martis: Medela are absolutely the best pumps around. I had a single for all my kids (3) and had an excessive amount of milk and it always did the trick and lasted for 3 kids. Just make sure you get an electric, not a manual as that's way too much work. The Medela Pump in Style has a handy carrying bag to use on the go. Good luck - breast is best!

Madge Voice: i would suggest purchasing a medela freestyle electric breastpump. it will cost you less than renting one from the hospital in the long run (~$300) and mine works just as well or better than the ones that i used in the hos! pital. really... it is totally worth it to buy one.

Barton Morfee: You would have to rent a hospital pump from a lactation consultant. Last I heard it was $75 for the tubing and stuff (used by individual) and $50/mo to rent. Insurance only pays for this if you are separated from your baby or under some specialized conditions (severe cleft palate was one example).

Kenneth Queener: Yes, actually we were able to rent one for FREE for one month. They normally charge about $50 per month.Since you have used it, I assume you have already paid the $40something for the attachments? My guess, it was a medela...yellow one? Just a guess.I loved it, but my daughter had a problem breastfeeding, so we never continued to rent the pump. We just went straight to formula at 6 weeks.Hope b-feeding works well for you. Congratulations....Show more

Irvin Guiles: No but the ones from the hospital cost more like $2500.00. I have tried to find them and they are called med! ula symphany i believe.

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