Imogene Neiswander: it all depends on your high school. usually you have to take a type of math, social studies, science, and english
Emile Okafor: In the high school I went to we had all of the sciences in one class until the end of grade 10. In grade 11 they started to divide the sciences: Chem, Bio, Phys. Math class didn't have that kind of break down. There was math class that taught it all. And then there was the extended math class where everything would go into more depth. That class was optional. Other than science and math, there was english, social, health, and then optional courses: industrial arts, drama, business, accounting, art, etc....Show more
Hunter Beech: In high school, you USUALLY are forced to take, An English, A math, A Science, and A Social Studies. You can choose what types. For an example, instead of Algebra II you can choose Honors Gemotry. Then you also have your electives, and school usually offer ALOT of elctives. You can u! sually only pick a few. (With the excpetion of your last year in high school, where you can take many electives.)Elective Examples:Art, Bussiness, Comp., Agriscience, Florar Design, Acting, Chorus, Band. Now imagine if we just cut all those topics into smaller topics. Example, Art becomes...Theatre Art IVisual Arts IDiscovering Art IArt ISo you are given many different course choices, and many different elective choices. You also must take a Physical Education/Sex Ed. Class, a Language (Most Times), and a Lunch....Show more
Stormy Beliard: Different High school's teach different things. The main lessons though are Biology, Algebra, English, and World History.
Idell Dufort: aren't there other sciences-chemistry, & physics? And other branches of maths like geometry, trigonometry etc.
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