Friday, 8 May 2020

In virginia- what are the laws protecting women that have recently had a baby and returning to work?  

In virginia- what are the laws protecting women that have recently had a baby and returning to work?  

answers 0:I just had a baby this past saturday, i was released from the hospital on monday. My boss called me up monday night, and asked me to come back today. So im here at work because i dont get paid for being off. I work for a private dental practice. im wanting to know the laws that protect me from returning so soon. I dont wanna be fired. And i feared that if i didnt return i would be. My boss is a prick by nature.answers 1:without FMLA any protection under the law for pregnancy ended the minute you gave birth, your right he is a prickanswers 2:A "prick" or someone who has a small office staff and needs you. Yes, that is quick but instead of complying why did you not bargain for an extra week off or half days or whatever? Call the governing body in Virginia and ask them if you have any protections and then ! he can fire you for almost anything if he wants rid of you.answers 3:@John by prick i mean he is a prick. Its not about who he needs and who he doesnt. Ive worked for him for 5 years, so i think i know how he is. I keep the job because i love what i do, and also no other practice will pay what i make. My question wasnt about being paid. It was about being fired. I know virginia is a right to work state and you can be fired for just about anything.answers 4:The FMLA requires your employer to provide you with job-protected leave (without pay) after having a baby.Edit: I was wrong in that I failed to notice the size of the business. The federal law applies to 50 or more employees, so unless your boss has his own family leave policy, you are indeed at the whims of being right to work. Sorry....answers 5:Since I doubt a dental practice, unless it is very large, is going to be large enough to be under the FMLA laws the answer is none. And even under the FMLA the leave is unpaid.a! nswers 6:@Quizzard. No i dont wanna work for a prick but, you ! gotta do what you gotta do. Like i said i love what i do for a living and the money i make.answers 7:You are not protected at all. You are entitled to no statutory maternity leave, so if your boss calls you back, you either go or you are fired.You don't really want to work for an ***, do you?

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