Sunday, 17 May 2020

Bad Economy and Higher Education?

Joey Mekeel: Nothing wrong with working with your hands. We need trash collectors more than computer geeks

Forest Duttinger: Colleges need students - obviously. There is much evidence that the govt supplied money simply increases college costs. Get the govt out of that biz & cots will go down.

Joeann Hoyt: Actually college enrollments are at their highest levels ever.

Myron Leftwich: Well, actually, I think that enrollment might go up because of the state of the economy. As more people find themselves unemployed, they may feel the need to go back to school to learn more job skills. Financial aid and student loans may help people with living expenses in addition to tuition, so going back to school may be a viable option for many people.

Nona Lentini: All the government wants is your money.They could care less if your successful.I am a highschooler in michigan.the governer just made new requirements for my year and below.We are now forced to take 4! years of math (calculus are senior year)4 years of L.A, 3 years of history and 3 years of science.she has also made it so that you cant quit school untill your 18 (it was 16)this just sucks for the underachieving students who simply dont care.It is torture....Show more

Jodie Capella: Our unemployment fee isn't measured by capacity of counting the interest beginning on u . s . a . Jobs, however the applications for unemployment reward. in the time of the recession, the government as a journey-maker has tried very difficult to hold the unemployed persons to the suitable jobs. coaching and retraining have been provided for years. some economists ascertain that one among those subject capacity a structural unemployment, no longer seasonal or cyclical one. Many persons have stopped searching for jobs.and that they are the only persons who contributed to the help of the unemployment fee so some distance....Show more

Lia Argall: In Texas we deregulated tuition prices.! Since then the cost of a 4 year degree at a major university ! has gone up 53%.Since universities & colleges already receive money from the federal government I think the government has the right to regulate tuition hikes - just as the Fed regulates interest rate hikes.

Clemmie Burkleo: Didn't you notice prices creeping up over the last 30 years. The math textbook you would have paid $10 for back in 1970 costs $100 today. College is a business for making administrators rich. Also note, that in 1970 you could leave highschool qualified for a job you could raise a family and buy a home with. You need 2 years of college to take you to near that level today. Today's economy is based on gambling stock values instead of supplying useful or necessary products which create business profits.If the Gov't calls for college price regulation, you'll hear a great cry coming from university presidents who are afraid of losing a small chunk of their almost a million dollar annual salaries, taxpayer supported mansions and servants and limousines-! also their declarations that student fees will have to go up again and again and again.College enrollment may drop some, but many students may start to work their way though instead of relying on loans. ...Show more

Pamela Meno: Join the service. Visit cool places and earn money for college. Also you can learn values that employers are looking for.But no I do not think the government should step in. If you are unable to pay for school you have not tried hard enough. There many ways to get your education and the Government helps in many of those ways.

Blythe Noreiga: Should the govt. step in and regulate tuituion prices, and offer more help those who choose to seek a higher education?

Caterina Yeargan: I think college tuition is outrageous, and I do not understand why the president at my alma mater makes half a million a year. I would hope that the government would help out colleges, but the truth is that they have other things to fund, such as police for! ces and hospitals.Apparently, in times of recession, applications to gr! aduate schools actually increase. I am not sure if that statistic holds for undergraduate education as well. I think it might be that people are 1- afraid of the condition of the work force and go back to school to "wait it out" 2- they want to get a better degree to give them an edge in a difficult economy....Show more

Emery Blando: It is an inverse relationship. When the economy is bad, people enroll in school.

Kalyn Proietto: Yes, higher education is the key to a brighter future! Many states have a freeze on tuition and the governments do help with cost if your situation warrants it.Other states have stopped guaranteeing loans.It takes a lot of hard work to get through college.I feel there could be A) better tax breaks for the parents who send their kids to college and B) More programs for those who don't quite qualify for grants. Many get into huge debt by the time they are out of college. That's not right. I can not say enough to plan for the cost as ea! rly as possible! Good luck to you and your studies. Maybe you can help this growing problem in the future....Show more

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