Friday 21 August 2020

Did you ever wake up with blue stains all over your sheets?

Sabra Roers: Maybe you were exposed to a nuclear plant and you wet the bed

Claire Billegas: Either you stop drinking out of the toilet luv or get rid of those blue dunny tablets.......stupid mutt.

Mark Hovanes: No but i bet Striney has.

Son Ahlers: maybe your colourblind and its really another colour

Alisa Kaleiwahea: WOW NO

Lon Pennington: ............yeah.... it happens every time I sleep wrapped up in my country's flag.......http://nickgilmartin.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/g...

Providencia Jalbert: Never happened to me.Maybe the Smurf Mafia is sending you a message like the horses head?

Loriann Carrigan: i could assume it particularly is a few sort of ink? attempt Carbona, they sell their product in little yellow bottles interior the aisle with the Laundry dtgt on the food market. they have them brokend down into different stains. as destructive to something like sray and wash it particularly is all stains. i come across Carbon! a to artwork extra ideal than any element else despite if it particularly is slightly expensive. you additionally can use bleach with the product to be sure that the stain is totally bumped off. good success!!...Show more

Lou Ravelo: I just knew Papa Smurf was two timing me!

Aubrey Tirri: just white sticky ones babeswant to do some laundry with me

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