Sharolyn Claybourn: lol, nice!!yeah! i'd eat him like a strawberry cake!
Anibal Katayama: I think this is the funniest question I've come across on YA. I swear.The funny thing about it is that gay guys who are long enough do!
Shemeka Laker: If you were narcissistic.
Coralie Goldsberry: People use it as an insult but don't know they're actually the stupid ones to think someones sexuality could mean something wrong.
Idell Mulliniks: Hell yeah.
Dannie Briseno: In a heartbeat!
Darrel Stele: No because I'd probably not be able to stand myself XD
Charlotte Bryar: yeah man!
Damaris Weiler: Hell yeah I would. No one else will, so why not?
Zora Mazzie: yeh I would do with myself and do some kinky **** ;) /| I would call it sex /
Luis Mellon: yes
Melvin Nakama: Well best of luck to you but it's going to take a lot of hard work, dedication, perseverance and patience to find a relationship in the gay world that does! work out in a non-unlucky way. The problem is gay men who want LTR's generally don't want sex, especially over time. I have yet to meet a monogamous gay couple after 5 years of being together. A relationship is great but it only works when you don't look to it to solve your loneliness and companionship concerns. A deep friendship is what you can best expect and the less sexual attraction you have toward him the better over the long term due to boredom. No one person is going to come into your life and meet all the needs you think he is going to. You have to do a lot of the work as well to make him feel that his needs are also being met. Just want to caution you before you try and force your ideal relationship (or relationship fantasy) to hard on to an unsuspecting guy who may be scared off by neediness. Just an FYI for you is all....Show more
Bernadette Roel: I think it's defensive just because i've never heard it besides being used in a deragatory fashion. J! ust like how i wouldn't wanna be called ******, they are used ! in the negative connotation
Sol Bayn: Of course it be a lot fun and safer I know if I have any diseases. plus am cute and I love my penis too
Giovanna Sherlin: |No. I do not find myself sexually attractive. However, I would use it for many things, like cleaning my room, making me food, giving me something to cuddle at night other than a stuffed animal that smells like cat...
Maria Devenney: Claiming that connotation holds little meaning is completely off-the-wall. Connotation is extremely important. "Tranny" is considered offensive, just as "homo", "queer", and "fag" are, because they are generally used as insults. People do not want to be referred to as the same epithets that were screamed at them the night before. In general the thrust of your question seems to be, "Words aren't offensive." You're wrong. You can claim that you're an enlightened soul to whom words can never be hurtful, whatever. Words can be and are offensive to a large number of people, ! and you're simply being needlessly disingenuous when you try to pretend that you don't understand that.
Felipa Nosis: Yes, it's offensive. There are worse words, but it's still offensive.Just say homosexual or gay.Those are more accepted.Homo is the nicer version of fag.Both are uncalled for, in my gay opinion. ^_~...Show more
Kenneth Blacker: only if my clone got a sex change
Gene Debell: Hell Yea, as long as she gave it a wash, and brushed her Teeth. And didn't mind going down.
Robbie Starchman: That's pretty funny! DIY, lol!And no, I don't think I could do myself...
Lynn Hollars: No worse than calling a straight person "hetero". If you are not ashamed of your sexuality then there is no reason to be offended
Clark Lachowski: Yes! You are the only person that knows the best places to touch yourself, so sex with yourself would be great! They would have all the same fantasies so they would gladly make them reality. They wouldn't do anythin! g to annoy you either. I would definitely have sex with myself.
M! oira Woodrow: LOL, good question. My answer is NO!
Nikki Sypult: Homosexual is actually the scientifically accurate term for somebody who is sexually attracted to their same gender.Homo is the commonly used abbreviation.It is argued to be offensive by some; but then others say that the term is simply quick off the tongue to say, is accurate so how can it be offensive if it is accurate?, and lastly they stick by the 1st amendment to say what they please.
Germaine Tieken: well i wish you all the luck in the world and it can happen because i think i've found mines, i mean he's changed so much to be with me and i never even told him or hinted to him to, but not knowing much about gay people i didn't know a lot i mean i was in the closet for about 12 years after i found out i was gay and so not knowin any gay people i didn't know how many of them were and he told me how he used to talk to several guys when he was with someone and now it's just me and he does so much! for me and me for him and i love him so much and it's only gonna be 3 months that's how i know it'll work because i just get this feeling so when you find someone and you get this feeling you can't be without them go for them because you may regret not doin it good luck...Show more
Efren Clankscales: Hah hellz yeah although my god it wouldn't exactly be pleasant at the beginning ;) =
Elfreda Grossen: It may sound weird but I just want all of your good wishes 2 find a REAL SOULMATE. It's very hard in fact to get someone special in life who is really just the way you want. It also becomes very hard when you are a gay and your family,parents or 'friends' are always there to pinch you. And in this 'finding' matter I have always been very unlucky. That's why I want your good wishes:-) God bless you.
Renay Billiar: gay but not 2taly gay.kaz hnd ako kgya ng ibng gays na my bf..n drn ako sany sa sex.las tym ko na xprience ang sex mga 3yers ago na.hnd ko r! in masab na hnd ako actv sa pag dtng sa sex kac alm ko gus2 ko un n msy! a ako.iwan............................ang 220 hnd ko maintndhan sarli ko.kaz kng gay ako bat ako nag ma2strbt?pro gus2 ko nman sa guy.wird dba?
Nelly Kikuchi: The word Homo dosent explaing that he is a homosexual, The exact meaning of Homo isHomo is the genus that includes modern humans and their close relatives. The genus is estimated to be about 2.5 million years old,earlier even lezz and BI was offensive,I dont think the word HOMO isOffensive now in these period.
Mauro Cowee: Well, it's scientific...when used correctly: homosexual. People mostly use it in a derogatory way however; with the intent to cause hurt. Even though it doesn't make sense when used because we are all "homos." We are all homosapiens.Basically, another hate word that stems from ignorance, big surprise there.
Brian Marquina: Threre's something in the study of language called "reappropriation" - it's where an identifiable group takes a derrogatory word that others have used against t! hem and "reappropriate" it by using it themselves to identify themselves.Sort of how within their own community black guys will toss around the n word, or in the asian community the terms FOB and the C word are used.So for my circle, anyway, we call each other homo and the f word, and that's ok because we're using the word with the understanding that it's actually mocking those who would us it against us - but yes, it's still offensive when others use it with hate and spite against LGBT.
Dexter Gold: no, coz i dont find myself attractive :L
Ronny Dorge: i see zell has plans in his future...yeah, i'd hit dat... lol
Kim Gerbino: until i "love" him up... *shrugs*
Marhta Teahan: Nope, I'm not my type :)
Gaynell Pizzaro: I think it is:If you are driving by and see two guys holding hands and you stick your head out the window to yell "HOMOS" Then yes that would be offensive.If you want to describe someone and you go "Oh, Joe's a homo."That's not real! ly polite.I prefer people to say my name rather than descript me by cal! ling out what I do sexually.
Monica Voltin: I wish you all the best, I believe you will find someone who is perfect for you.remember love is a verb- it takes work:)
Gaynell Pizzaro: I do not wish to offend anyone, but I seem to remember in years past it was a derogatory term. Has that changed?
Janita Tetlow: Best of luck to you.I sincerely hope you find a soulmate soon...................
Lady Laflin: As per your request - I wish you all of the luck that I can muster in finding a soulmate. More importantly, I also wish that you love yourself to know that a soulmate will not complete you, but compliment you. Good luck, and best wishes. I hope that you find that partner soon.
Misty Vagle: I already do that. I am addicted to it. For me its self sex or despair. Self sex happens in me on a daily basis. I've learned to enjoy its ins and outs. 'Me' consists of about 50 trillion cells. My cells have mitochondria. These critters are oversexed. They have! sex with themselves and divide. One becomes two. These clones have two things on their minds. Sex is first and foremost. When not making whoopee my mitochondria turn my lunch into fuel at my pump. Without that fuel I would not think about sex. I would not think a single thought or flex a single muscle....Show more
Nelly Kikuchi: Nah. I'm a big b*tch. Don't get me wrong, I think all fatties should have some confidence like I do. But two fat people ain't gonna work out in the bed. Maybe some can, but not me. So no, I won't sex myself.
Joan Stavropoulos: I don't know, but I'll be happy cause then I won't feel so alone.
Pearlie Medora: Hmm well probably. I am kinda of my type, but kinda not. I'd give it a shot then let ya know!
Bob Nakamoto: If she had a tail and breasts implants! weird! I'm just kidding !:)
Gabriel Realmuto: No, it would be totally disaster. :-)
Hai Biggart: So, I just got a gay boyfriend and he said to me today "me love yo! u long time". How long do you think that means? How long is "long time"! ? How long will my new gay boyfriend love me?
Bell Pasco: opposed to your new straight boyfriend? About that long.
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