Friday 14 August 2020

Pro-lifers: Do you agree this is wrong?

Terresa Tsasie: None of the above. If those were the only names on the ballot I would stay home and refrain from voting - or I might write in Ron Paul!

Houston Venezia: .

Cierra Gadbaw: I think you are making too big a deal out of it. I do not think it is likely to become a law, and if it does, it will not stay one for long. Lots of laws get passed that are unconstitutional, like Obama-care for instance, and eventually, they get changed. In the meantime, Ohio is not such a big state that even if you live smack in the middle, it is more than a couple hour's drive to a neighboring state for an afternoon of baby slaughtering. Not like where I live in Ft. Lauderdale, It is 450 miles to the Georgia Border. No way in hell to get up and back in one day.in s caar....Show more

Lucille Saetteurn: Very few pregnancies result from rape statistically. I don't think Ohio is the incest capital of the US. So you are really talking about a handful of cases a year. The! refore, I don't think it is "wrong."

Tricia Dossous: I would rather have Clinton than 0bama, and I would rather have Bush 1 over Bush 2. I would actually take Clinton over Bush 2 as well, and I am a Republican. From Reagan foward, we have gone steadily downhill, Reagan was better than Bush 1, who was nominally better than Clinton, who was better than Bush 2, who was better than 0bama. 0bama is rock bottom...we can only go up from here, I hope.

Terrell Lawman: Clinton or Bush 1.

Coy Tapley: It's been working for them for near 8 years now. It isn't so much that they think to sway public opinion by it - it is also meant to intimidate the media into not doing their jobs by freezing them out. And it has been effective.A good illustration is the Time Magazine "Interview" McCain gave.

Lauri Ohl: Depends on the extent of what constitutes a woman's health. We see too often than such things can be used as loopholes to get around laws. Let's say for exampl! e a woman claims pregnancy gives her migraines. In such a case! I would not support abortion. But if it is the common sense meaning of the word such as pregnancy would overburden a bad heart or some other significant medical reason then yes I would not hold it against a woman if her choice was her life or the baby's. But we both know that swollen ankles and morning sickness would be used as loopholes that would essentially let a woman murder her baby at will. Rape and incest are not good enough reasons to give a baby the death penalty. No maybe if an unborn child went on a wild machine gun killing rampage then maybe just maybe I would support aborting it. But until that happens killing a baby for actions of it's mother and or father are very poor reasons....Show more

Rufus Plough: I'm sorry but do you think a person born from rape or incest is less than human? Isn't that what you are asking me....a person that believes that fetus is human?

King Bringle: Please remember that Faux News receives their daily talking points fro! m the White House/GOP. Guess "Turd Blossom" still has a direct line to his bud, GWB. Interesting how the Republicans tend to use the media when it suits their propaganda-type purposes. When the going gets tough, the GOP quickly evacuates to their undisclosed locations.

Ronnie Sardi: Clinton or Bush 1

Tomi Vauters: No, calling it 'whinning' when someone complains about the children of a candidate being dragged through the mud is the final evidence that many liberals have no heart!- edit -I agree that ratings is not proof of anything but popularity. But it does mean Fox News isn't as extreme as many want to claim, unless you are willing to call the many viewer "extreme"...Show more

Donnie Bolio: Clinton or Obama with the mess were inFor republicans Bush 1 or Bush 2 Please don't well I don't like ether serious if you had to choose one from each side with the economy the way it is who would you choose And why...Show more

Tom Romer: Tough abortion re! strictions coming to Ohio, I hope there's not many black chicks living ! in Ohio.

Craig Virani: Obama

Ron Keliipio: Pro-lifers only seem to be interested in life inside the womb, but could give a rat's as s about life outside the womb!Most Pro-lifers support the death penalty, that doesn't seem "pro-life" that seems "pro-death"!

Arnoldo Budzynski: Snoopy: So you agree that it's wrong; you're just saying it's rare.maybe overall, the bill does more good than harm.but forgetting those exceptions - is still wrong.being rare doesn't make it acceptable.

Inge Mclaurine: Well, they think it's a one way street, not 2!! See what happens when you have a head on collision? WHAMO!!! The truth comes out!

Danyell Rowback: Pro-lifers consider the "danger to the mother's health" clause a cop-out. They think that her health is of little or no importance, and whatever, as long as she has a fair chance of survival, that ought to be good enough.But in this case, even the life of the mother is not a consideration. She cannot have an abor! tion to save her life. It is the ultimate death panel, where strangers decide to deny you life-saving medical care and watch you die. ∠°)...Show more

Natalya Sydney: Out of the four, probably Clinton. And I'm a Republican!

Valentine Willinger: Reagan : You only embarrass yourself if you think ratings have ANYTHING to do with a network's bias / lack of bias. I LOVE IT when Cons actually mention ratings as some 'proof' of ANYTHING

Toney Flaten: it could be uncomplicated if there must be some conmpromise on the theocratic element. To be easy, i think of the brightest theocratic minds of the time appeared on the difficulty from all angles and considered the complexity of the difficulty and then in basic terms fell returned and punted. i'm asserting i think of the church homes that claimed existence starts at theory in basic terms threw up their collective palms and picked the earliest available time by way of fact they did not choose to handle the complex! ity of the difficulty. i think of it replaced into the final waffle eve! r made by utilising guy. the certainty is plenty extra complicated than those theologians might have you ever suspect. however that's seen heresy to even propose such element. i in my view think of that it could be legal interior the 1st trimester, debatable interior the 2d trimester, and unlawful interior the third - with in basic terms some exceptions alongside with saving the existence of the mum. the thought an all understanding God does not understand which one would be aborted is ludicrous....Show more

Malissa Porth: I don't know why they're so hesitant to say Obama. They know hes the only one. Its just blind hatred anyone would say different.Even when im angry i tell the freaking truth. And its not Obama s fault we are in this mess. Lets just be clear.

Adan Stribble: Fox is the most unbiased new network out there, I can't be alone when I say that, because aren't they the highest rated news channelMcCain/Palin 2008...Show more

Clare Hoard: It depends! on what you mean by the "mother's health". If the mother's life is in danger I would agree. You shouldn't be forced to risk your life to save another. Outside of that it could be used as a giant loophole. Just have a doctor swear that it would be unduly stressful for your mental health and you would be covered under "mother's health".

Leora Klingelhoets: Lack of education and a constant influx of misinformation.

Emile Midgley: Why do people use race when they mean ethnicity? Some people say tomato, some say tomahto.

Carter Edstrom: ...the final evidence needed that they are TOTALLY desperate ?All NeoCons / FoxNews seem to be able to do is blame the media for everything ! The media has every right to bring the facts of her ethics investigations, moral hypocrisy and outright lies to the public ! This "wagging the finger" at the big bad evil "media" is simply hilarious....Show more

Rodolfo Merel: Ignorance. "Race" is a social construct.

Shan L! anen: Race is not the same as skin color, why the misconception?http://! www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU4cvmk44MQ

Idell Mulliniks: When she finally takes an interview THEN they can complain about 'unfair' treatment. But this hypocrite in the glass house crap is NOT helping their argument.Sarah Palin Has Yet To Meet the Presshttp://news.yahoo.com/story/politico/20080906/pl_p...

Lawana Neemann: Angela, i just wanted to point out that even if someone gets pregnant in ohio & their life is in danger they can just drive a few hours to any other state or canada and get an abortion, they probably wouldn't die.Still a stupid bill though.

Ulysses Failey: you're so right. Arabs are considered white and some of them are as black as tar.

Clifford Riggleman: Been to the grocery store lately???Noticed that real estate values have declined another 30% in the last 6 months???This time those are events that the Democrats own outright.

Debora Soliani: I would gladly take Bush 1 or 2 over both Clinton and Obama.We are living with the result! of the Clinton Administration.http://video.pbs.org/video/1302794657

Vickie Sterbenz: The law will be struck down. There are very few circumstances in which a fetus threatens the life of the mother. They are well known. I doubt any doctor terminating a pregnancy would be charged with violating the law if one of those conditions were present.The problem with abortion is that it is most often done for convenience or to compensate for using bad judgement. Those are rather lame reasons for committing murder....Show more

Olen Penhallurick: Republicans are not really pro life but pro ignorance.

Robin Tommie: Psssst: Remember all those good things that happened in the 1990s which Bill Clinton tried to take credit for -- that was Newt.Clinton was the most corrupt President of the 20th Century -- he ENCOURAGED the bimbo distractions.Read the full page expose on page A-22 of The Wall Street Journal, February 12, 1998...Show more

Joellen Zorrilla: no. but ! you can always tell a libs desperation when they start using caps.

Maynard Phoubandith: it's the way our society defines them... common use of language often differs from technical definition...

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