answers 0:i'm not planning on children any time soon but for when the time is right i'd like to know what an epidural is like. i'm just worried that it will be extremely painful especially if they don't get it in place good the first time and have to do it again.and i'm a very jumpy and shakey when nervous kind of person so i'm scared i'll move and screw it up causing damage to my spine.and it seems like having a tube in your back is not going to be very practical or comfortable during labor. so how much does it hurt? is it worth the pain or is that pain seemingly worse than the labor its self?and what are my other options for pain management? and how well do they work at easing the labor pains?and i've heard that when yo uare numb from the waist down it can be very hard to push good is that true? sorry for so many questions and thanks in advance....Show moreanswers 1:Nope it dosnt ! hurt. At least I think it dosnt hurt but honestly when you are in labour you are in too much pain to care. And they got it in the wrong place for me three times. They numb the area first so that is probably the worst part but its nothing. just a little needle prick like having a vaccination. The hardest part is trying to stay still while you are having contractions. It took about 10 minutes for them to do it with me and i had about 5 contractions in this time. it was hard to stay still but had to. It is definatly worth it and no it didnt make pushing hard for me. I couldnt feel myself push but I still knew how to push. But I guess for some people it might be hard. I just pushed like I was trying to push out a huge poo and got my girl out in 45 minutes...answers 2:i know there are risks with it and that freaks me out. my sister's friend ended up having back problems and her spinal cord fluid gets backed up. i know that it can be very dangerous and this is why i'm considering! not getting. but i certainly am not have a drug free labor ei! ther. i will obviously talk to my doctor when the time comes but i think i'd rather have every other drug i can besides the epidural.and i don't really like the idea of not feeling anything either. when i've had anything in the past that has numbed an area it feels weird and i hate it. like when having dental work i can't stand feeling numb it drives me nuts and actually if you can even imagine it it makes it painful in a weird way and i can't wait for it to go away. so i have a feeling i'd hate an epidural....answers 3:Well they give you local anaesthetic before putting the tube in, so you wouldn't really feel the pain after local anaesthetic. this is a good option as you can stay awake, at the same time you do not feel the pain. you actually feel numb from chest downwards. the doctor would guide you when to push.answers 4:i had one and hated it. it didnt hurt getting it put in- i just hated not being able to feel my legs. u cant get comfy cos u cant move about too much. i! wish i had stuck to the labour pain. least u can mov about. i just felt like a big pile of jelly- stuck in one position! never again!answers 5:I didn't even notice it both times that I had it. By the time you are ready for it, you are SOOOOOOOOOO ready for it to be done that you don't even feel it.answers 6:Well I'm not going to lie, it is painful. But with everything else that's going on it won't be as bad as if you were starting off with it.They will give you gas and air first which numbs a lot of the pain. So you won't really feel it anyway.The reason I give you this advise as I had one and I had had gas and air first and I didn't feel it.I had a bad pain that they didn't know what it was and because I started to panic and shake uncontrollably the baby got distressed so I had to have an emergency c-section.I had some gas and air before this and when I was taken in to theatre I had the epidural and never felt it. A doctor stood in front of me and held me still, but he m! ade as though he was cuddling me as to comfort me, this stopped me from! moving.It's probably the best way to go for pain relief if you are like me and panic very easily and can't really handle pain. But don't worry they are professionals and won't let anything bad happen. It is a routine operation and they do a hundred times a week....answers 7:Pain relief in labour: An epidural is an injection into the small of your back, using a curved hallow needle.answers 8:an epidural doesn't hurt and is not uncomfortable. yes its true that you are numb from the waist down, but a little before you start pushing they will turn off the epidural so you can push's some pain relief options. 9:They are a lot more dangerous than the doctors will let on. Make sure you research and are completely aware of the risks. You can have a headache for days (not fun when you'd rather be doting on your new baby), long term back problems, increased risk for infection, greatly increases your risk of ! c-section, the list goes on. Remember that any drug or procedure carries risks and epidurals are no exception. I would be all for pain relief but after looking into the statistics on epidural side effects and complications I decided it just wasn't worth the risk to me or my baby. I'm having a drug-free homebirth instead....
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